Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Australian Little Athletics Championships 2008

News - 2008/2009

The Victorian Team was successful by the barest of margins (2.5 points out of approx. 700) in winning the coveted Trevor Billingham Teams trophy for the second year in a row. It was an outstanding team effort and a brilliant days competition by all. The weather fortunately "held off" during the day just long enough for "a downpour of rain" during Presentations !

A big thanks to Matt & Ebony Sturgess, Darrin & Tammy Stephens and Prem for their assistance with transportation of the WA team and help with celebration dinner at the clubrooms. Congratulations to WA who won the Alan Triscott handicap trophy, so they were a very happy camp

Added: 25/04/2008 14:00:00