Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Cross Country Week 1 - 4/4/2009

News - 2009/2010

Congratulations to all of the Waverley athletes who participated in the first week of the Cross Country season for 2009.

A large percentage of the 59 registered Waverley athletes arrived to tackle the hills and hollows of Koomba Park. This was a great turn up given it was the first week of the school holidays.

Quite pleasingly, the first day of the season ran pretty much like clockwork thanks to the experience and dedication of the many Knox parents. The entire program was finished by 10.30 am.

Of course, it wouldn't be Cross Country without the light showers of rain, muddy car park, wet grass, warm coats and umbrellas. All very character building!

Results may take a little longer to appear on the website this week. Knox's website will display all results and eventually the Results section of the website will display the results of the Waverley athletes.

Keep the time ticket you were given today. I intend to put a small booklet together where you may stick your tickets to keep a record of your progress and also it is a good way to compare your times at the various venues to see if you have improved over the season.

Next week I will be absent! Glen DeLisen has offered to answer any questions on the day. I expect it will be a quieter day being Easter. Thanks Glen!

Added: 04/04/2009 08:48:47
Last Updated: 17/03/2014 23:53:30