Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Cross Country - Congratulations

News - 2009/2010

I hope everyone enjoyed the recent ‘school free’ break and that you had a safe and enjoyable time whether you stayed close to home or managed to get away.

Congratulations to all those athletes who competed in the Knox Open Day. It was great to have 12 of our athletes getting involved (results below). Thanks also to Peter Ziguras for filling my shoes and to Prem and Paul for offering to complete duty on the day.

Results for Week 15 at Tirhatuan aren’t available as yet, but I’m guessing there were Waverley participants! Well done to all those who participated on the day and to the parents who assisted on the day. I will put the results on our website as soon as they become available.

(Please note, the results for Week 13 on 27th June at Jells Park (handicap day) don’t appear to be available as yet. I will put them on our website as soon as they are available).

This is the last week of regular cross-country competition so I hope that we get a good turn out at Bellbird Dell.


Thank you to the Barbis and De Lisen families who assisted at Tirhatuan.Your assistance is most appreciated.

Added: 17/07/2009 11:32:41