Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

A.G.M. and Presentation Day

News - 2013/2014

Thank you to everyone who made their vote count on Saturday at the Special General Meeting.
WLAC now has the authority from its members to become Incorporated.
Just an early week reminder again regarding the AGM this weekend.
Agenda for the day:
Committee Positions that haven’t been nominated for (or any expression of interests)
As mentioned previously, members empower the Centre Committee, for the Committee to run the Centre for members!
It’s full circle and we do require ALL positions to be filled to run the Centre efficiently.
The AGM Documentation will be sent out later this week.
Please contact us for more information regarding the positions above. 

Added: 19/03/2014 00:23:34


AGM and Presentation Day Agenda 2014