News - 2019/2020
This years Annual Report is now online. If you'd like to download and read a copy of the report, please CLICK HERE
Two things I forgot to add to the report:
One Athletics - a proposed merger between Athletics Australia and Little Athletics Australia, and each state association, was officially announced (or re-announced in new format) during 2019.
There's a lot of discussion and work to be done from the national organising committees, so check out their website at for more information and what it may mean for Little Athletics.
Relaython 2020 - Saturday (8th Feb 2020) we held our annual Relaython event, to help raise funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
- Start time 8:49am
- Our first Lap was run by Logan and Harley Irvine
- Laps 1-9 run thru the warm up
- Laps 10-19 were run by SS
- Laps 20-31 were run by U12
- Laps 32-46 were run by U9
- Lap 47 was walked by an injured Luke Cooke and Sarah Cooke
- Laps 48-58 were run by U10
- Lap 59 was run by Evan Dobson
- Lap 60 was run by Michael Jupp
- Laps 61-72 were run by the U6 & U7
- Lap 73 was run by me (Dylan)
- Lap 74 was run by Denis Irvine
- Laps 75-79 were run by a mixture of parents and athletes
- Lap 80 was run by 2x dads and their kids
- Laps 81-84 were run by U8
- Lap 85 was run by Logan Irvine
- Lap 86-90 was run by U11
- Lap 91-130 were run by parents and athletes once the program had finished
- Lap 130 was run by Max Taborsky and the whole group that stayed behind to run laps
- Relaython for 2020 concluded at 12:13pm
Added: 24/03/2020 09:36:00
Last Updated: 24/03/2020 09:38:12