News - 2020/2021
Fantastic news!!!
After a long and anxious wait, Little Athletics is set to start in late November 2020.
Victorian Government Restrictions have now eased and the Committee is organising to commence the 2020/21 season as soon as possible.
WLAC is considered an U18' non contact outdoor sport, so we will be one of the first to start back.
We are still awaiting further information and protocols from Little Athletics Victoria, before releasing any confirmation of dates.
The Committee must review and adopt a Covid Safety Plan prior to commencing any events. Please refer to the official WLAC online Covid Statement for more information.
Further information will be released to all previously registered families when it becomes available.
The registration fee for this season has been set at a significantly discounted flat rate, to financially assist our families and encourage members to join our Centre.
We are here for our members and we will do what ever we can to ensure we can provide your children with sport on the other side of Covid19.
Please follow all government directions, stay safe and we will see you at Central Reserve very soon.
Remember to check our website and Facebook page for any updates as they come through.
Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.
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Added: 01/11/2020 22:59:00