News - 2020/2021
Dear Waverley families,
Thanks to all those who came to our presentation night on Sat 20th March – I hope you all had a great time.
For those who could not make it, I will be at the clubrooms on Thursday afternoon from 4pm – 5pm, for trophy pick up. All athletes receive a trophy and certificate. Or please contact me for alternative arrangements or pick up them up when we start back towards the end of the year.
Finally Cross Country Information:
For those interested, the cross country season starts Sat 17th April at Koomba Park, 9 am. We participate in the program organized by Knox Little Aths Centre. SherbrookeLAC also joins in and little athletes from other centres may appear. Your registration fee covers cross country as well.
We need a cross country coordinator – to liase with Knox Little Aths centre, be a contact for our athletes at the Sat morning cross country runs, promote and be team manager at region (we are in Southern Metro Region) and state cross country events.
I have attached the cross country dates and locations. More information on the KnoxLAC website:
The races start at 9 am sharp, each week the age group who starts changes. U6 races are always in the middle.
Distances: U6 500m, U7 & U8 1000m, U9 & U10 1500m, U11 & U12 2000m, U13 to U16 3000m. Each race has two age groups and boys and girls run together. Occasionally there is a parent's race !!
Bring spare clothes if wet.
When you first arrive, check in at the Waverley flag or go straight to the start of the race when called. There is NO need to go to the Knox registration tent. Make sure you wear your registration patches. Temporary patches can be obtained from us at the Waverley flag.
There are adult runners from Knox who are hares – run in front of the kids and tortoises – who run behind to make sure kids are not left behind. So our athletes are well looked after during the races. Parents cheer from the sidelines. Also compulsory to run in your age group.
Each family is required to do one duty during the cross country season for the morning. Knox cross country committee members are the ones getting up early in the cold wet mornings to set up the courses for us, and we need to do our one duty each week.
Finally if you would like to be included in the weekly cross country email, please let me know, so I can include you on the list.
Let me know if you have any queries.
Katy Smith
Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.
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0431 471 205
Added: 31/03/2021 22:24:00
Last Updated: 31/03/2021 22:25:23