News - 2021/2022
Weather looking much better this week for coaching, and then twilight on Thursday 10th March.
Monday, 5 - 6 pm, Fosbury Flop High Jump, U11 & above with Angela OR middle/long distance with Neil.
Tuesday, Thows coaching with Mark. 4.30 - 5.15 pm, U6 - U10, learn how to throw a shot put, discus or vortex. 5.15 - 6 pm, U9 & above, intermediate+ throwers, consolidating technique.
Wed, 5 - 6pm. Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps with Angela & Holly OR middle/long distance with Neil.
Please come 10 mins earlier. Remember sunscreen, water bottles, hats. COVID19safe protocols followed.
Added: 06/03/2022 13:13:00
Last Updated: 06/03/2022 13:15:41